This week’s video covers a skill development drill that focuses on the technique, control, and balance necessary for an effective V Start / Quick Start.
This week’s video is a variation on the drill demonstrated in our last video. In this drill, we add in a defensive pivot off a one-foot stop to develop balance and change of direction power.
The ability to effectively open your hips while pivoting is a key in generating power in the opposite direction. This simple to set up drill helps players develop the ability to change directions effectively.
The cross-under push is one key to generating maximum power with each cross-over a skater takes. This video breaks down the process of developing the…
The One Foot Stop & Accelerate drill is a power skating maneuver focusing on the development of balance, accelerating power, and the drive of the upper body.
This drill focuses on quick lateral movement and agility. The video covers several variations to the basic side-step-stop drill.
Being able to efficiently transition from forward to backwards without losing speed is a critical skill for every player. This week’s video breaks down the “mohawk” transition into three teaching phases.
This week’s video shows a “simple” agility skating drill to develop transition footwork for defensemen. Despite the “simple” pattern, the actual execution of the drill is fairly difficult – especially while handling a puck.
In this video, we will cover a power skating maneuver/drill to improve backward outside edges. This drill forces players out of their comfort zone with cross-overs by doing a very unnatural cross behind.
To celebrate Cyber Monday, we’ve got another new video for you. This time we return to the topic of power skating to show you the quick crossover power skating maneuver. The drill works primarily on the outside edge push of a crossover as well as quick feet.