Goalie Tip Game Video
Here’s a fun small game to use to put your goalie vs. your shooters. It’s called the Goalie Tip Drill Game. As you can see from the video, we have a good time when we play it…we try to keep the trash talking to a minimum though!
Drill Information: Goalie Tip Drill Game.
Not to criticize, but I am one for game type situations so I mostly use these types of drills without defensive players in front of the goalie for warm ups only, It is my belief that goalies need defensive game type movement consistently moving around and in front of them, Also the puck moves around and changes directions so quickly and often that a hockey game is not a structured game as most people think it is, Think about it. I view over and over these coaches, players and parents who believe that all goalies need are to have open shots taken on them for their main practice, The very reason that so many youth goalies in particular have no clue as to where they are in and around their crease and do not learn how to learn how to get there and set when possible before the shot is made instead of moving while the shot is being made,”Practice sessions must “Correlate” with game type situations to enable one to have success during game play.
[email protected]
Can all five players shoot the rebound after the initial shot?
Kim: Yes, all players are active for the rebound
Don: I agree fully with your comments. This is really mean to be a fun game, rather than a staple game-like situation drill. As you can see from the video, we were just having some fun with it…which is all it’s really meant to be. I couldn’t agree more with you when you say practice sessions must correlate with game type situations. To hopefully help clarify the context of the drill, I’ve changed the title of the post to Goalie Tip Game.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 🙂
To a point I do agree with Don,but would this drill not help a goalies rebound control and lateral movement
in the case of repositioning himself on the rebound shot,it also provides great speed and agility conditioning not only for the goalie but the shooters as well,The situation of a 2 player breakaway happens more often than we would like to admit and this drill certanly will help a goaltender in that situation.Great drill Kevin I hope to see more like it.
Hey, guy’s,
It seems like this cold weather is clouding my mind and memory, sorry it appears as though I am so distant from remembering that some good old helpful goalie fun drills etc. come in handy during each practice session, which actually is a part of each of my sessions when I coach and is one of my main dislikes about the sessions I view here in Springfield, Mo. I see so much of goalies getting short sheeted by just having a few open shots taken on them for their main practice along without the benefit of having a knowledgeable “TEACHER” who is capable of helping them to learn and improve their game in the crease that I tend to forget that fun and enjoyment of the game is most valuable to each player, Thanks for reminding me with your comments. To me “TEACHING” individual and team skills is most important to each player as they advance along in their game, for instance, as you know, in one area of defense there are various types of “1on1’s,” “2on1’s,” ‘2on2’s,” in particular which turn into “1on1’s” during the course of a given game and if players are not taught how to defend against them they always lose their battles in these situations which is disastrous within in their defensive zone, various individual “1on1” drills are excellent defensive drills to incorporate into practice sessions beings there are numerous”1on1″defensive situations all over the surface at any given time during the course of any given game more so than there are other defensive situations. I find that the most difficult “1on1” situation to defend against is when a defending player is facing a puck carrier coming at him face to face due to the fact that one can skate faster forward than one can skate backwards, I teach the puck carrier to understand this and when he/she has the opportunity to always run hard and fast at the defender or goalie and when one comes up on a defender or defenders who cross over in front on a deke to one side or the other to move to the opposite side, around and in and burn him/her and also when one learns of this cross over habit on the deke to purposely make said player cross over, by doing so at the blue line and in one can get themselves on the goalie in a hurry for a shot or a very important pass across for an open shot on cage since the goalie cannot get from one post to the opposite post and set for a shot in time, this really works great on “2on1’s, I also teach the defensive players in this situation to get an angle on puck carrier, how to position themselves on puck carrier and let puck carrier close the gap on them and that one swipe at puck, not playing the body and you are out of there is a death move and how to skate and force puck carrier out side of face off dots, To “USE DOTS AND AN IMAGINARY LINE BETWEEN THEM AS REFERENCES” as to where to force puck carrier into areas of bad angles for non-quality passes and shots on cage and into the most important area outside the face off dots to create bad angles and shut down any and all quality passes and shots on goal. I find that most people, coaches, players, parents etc. in youth hockey and other sports do not know the very important difference between “TEACHING” and “COACHING,” as we all know anyone can get out there and be a coach but it takes those special people who spend the time it takes to become keen students of the overall aspects of the game which in turn allows them to become knowledgeable and capable “TEACHERS” of the necessary individual player and game team skills.
Most people are under the “FALSE IMPRESSION” as is in all other sports in general that one must be a good or great skater and has played for several years in order to be able to teach and convey good hockey fundamentals to others, “NOT TRUE.”
I would like to see their language interpreted to our language during all Czech and all other foreign drills etc. posted for us to be able to understand their verbal comments during their video clips.
Also the majority of practice sessions and video clips I view are solely concentrated on offensive movements, when I coach I teach both sides of the puck, the game, both offensive and defensive player positioning according to puck area and movement around the ice in relation to each players offensive or defensive assignment. All players abilities to read and react to puck movement during a game of hockey is solely determined by the ever evolving change of and directional movement of the puck so I simply cannot comprehend how coaches figure that by doing structured open shots at the goalie non-game type drills where they tell them to, when to, how to, and where to go during these drills that have no finish to them are beneficial to their players game type situations, maybe so for warm up purposes, their whole “structured” “practice” to game cenario totally changes when the puck is dropped and their game starts, then they have to without being told to consistently “READ,” figure things out for themselves and decide which way to “REACT” to, and “SKATE to, as the puck ever so quickly moves around and quickly changes directions on the surface through out each game which to me makes a game of hockey a non-structured game. “A PLAYER FEEL””A PLAYER READ” “AND A PLAYER REACT” to the ever evolving change of puck and player direction is what a hockey game is all about. I see coaches who during tryouts have the players skate around pylons, do stops and starts etc. and then determine who can skate good and who cannot and then make their team decisions from there which is totally unfair to every player out there because after some good skating warm ups the only way anyone can basically get any idea of how they can play is to get them out there in the trenches and let them play. As many excellent coaches do.
Keep the drills coming, I print them out and keep them in my files for future viewing.
It is good to see that I made some compatible comments yesterday.
I hope I have made more compatible comments than yesterday.
You can print my E-Mail if you want to.
[email protected]
Contrary to Don’s first opinion, i believe the drill is as genuine as any that i have seen. One must improvise it to make it what it should be if the coach doesn’t think it is fulfilling the need. One of my solutions is to add punishments for not scoring and for scoring. If the main shooter scores from the initial shot then everyone must complete a drill of repayment or punishment. The goalie would do a goalie drill and the players would do 10 push ups or 10 sit ups or more as per the coaches decision. As play goes on, if the first shot does not go in the, the shots should be counted until the puck is in the net and the players will do 10 push ups/sit ups per save. The goalie would do a goalie drill of the coaches choice. If a player shoots from the main area on two different occasions and doesn’t score he is eliminated from the group, does push ups/sit ups or what ever the coach desires and either replace him or play an elimination until you go down to a one on one situation. Coaching can be as much fun as you the coach wish to make it for your team. I understand the rep teams need to have more serious practices, but sometimes the seriousness is to much for the kids and a change of humour or pace can make all the difference in the mind setting going into games. This site and the drills i have seen and will someday use as my team gets a little older will be used and modified to accommodate the age i am working with. The more they can do the more you add and a complete and competeive team will no doubt be just down the road. I enjoy the smile that a kid gets when he or she completes something that they were not able to achieve before and that gives me the drive to motivate them more. My Novice house team will be attending a tournament next weekend for the first time in their young careers and will no doubt learn from the coaching staff that i have and the way we use their own abilities to achieve what they can achieve with their abilities. Keep up the great work on the drills you have on your site and it’s a benefit to anyone who knows how to deliver the product no matter how they are produced. Make out of what you get to accommodate your team and their abilities. Remember they don’t have your abilities.