Forward Stride – In Depth [Video]

We’re back with a video this week breaking down another essential skating aspect of the game.  This week’s video focuses on the forward stride.  Becoming an efficient skater with proper technique is essential to being the fastest skater you can become.


Quick key points:

  • Knee bend
  • Bring feet all the way back together
  • No “bobbing”
  • Arms move front-to-back, not side-to-side
  • Push out at a 45 degree angle
  • Keep your return skate low to the ice (but not dragging)
  • The toe of your skate should be the last thing to leave the ice

12 Replies to “Forward Stride – In Depth [Video]”

  1. Nice job Kevin! You always do a great job explaining skills/drills that is easy to understand and follow! Always worth showing my Bantams! Keep up the good work!

  2. I play women’s hockey, and I need and would like to have more strength in my left leg, i can only turn good to the right….any suggestions..

  3. Hi Kevin, This is a great explanation for even my Bantam team that needs these kinds of discussion points for correcting strides without the knee bend, and incomplete extensions. I will use this for my morning practice tomorrow. Thanks!

  4. Hey Kevin,
    An excellent demo. and in-depth explanations on a most important aspect of stroking.Keeping the arm and hip movements etc. all going forward and only slightly angled off center instead of side ways,”PITCHING HAY,” as you explain is of the utmost importance during one’s skating movements.
    I have been involved in competitive skating and teaching of roller speed,hockey dance and figure skating from the late forties until a few years ago, I have also been involved in teaching and coaching ice hockey for several years before we moved here to Springfield, Mo.
    If I may I would like to throw something your way pertaining to forward stroking in particular, during the movement of bringing the free foot skate forward I like to use the term, “STEP and PUSH,”or “PUSH and STEP,” what I mean by this term is as one is bringing the free foot skate forward low and close and as one starts the free foot skate forward one starts the power pushing movement against the ice at the same time which actually creates a heel ahead of the toe movement with of course with a proper skate touch down being necessary in the process instead of driving the new tracing skate straight down into the ice and parallel to the existing tracing skate,this movement creates continuity throughout the movement and generates power and speed from the ice up during continuing strides.
    Don Ervin
    [email protected]

  5. Great video Kevin! I’ve been coaching double letters for the last couples years( bantam BB and Midget BB), now i’m back with players in a home league (Pee Wee minor) in wich they have to work more on they’re skating skills . So for me what a great tool to work with. i’m even using this video with the kids befor they jump on the ice.

  6. Stacy, go to the gym and hire a trainer. A trainer can identify specifically what you need to do in balancing leg strength. BTW- Probably more is involved in just ‘left’ leg strength.

  7. Kevin,
    Thanks for the clear explanation. Is there any drill or exercise that could be done to help with the returning speed – i.e. after you’ve completed the toe push off, how can you increase the speed with which you return that foot under your body. The reason I ask is that a copuple of my players seem to have the proper stride (low, good extension) but still lack the speed?

  8. @Ken – Lots of off-ice footwork drills tend to help with. Agility ladder drills help quite a bit with general foot speed, which is what this would fall under. If you’re looking for on-ice drills, anything focusing on “overspeed” (search the blog for some drills) would also help with developing the required quickness for it.

    Hope this helps!!

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