Here are some tips to create an effective off season training program.
Quick public service announcement from HockeyShare – keep the outdoor rinks a safe place for kids to have fun and try new moves without consequences.
Getting a team to gel together can be a big task if you’ve got a lot of new players on your team. Here is a list of ten ideas to improve your team’s chemistry early in the season.
As many clubs enter the most stressful time of the year – tryouts – I wanted to share a few thoughts on factors coaches consider when making decisions. The talent aspect is obvious – talented players are what coaches look for on the ice when it comes to performance, but there are other aspects coaches use to make their final decisions.
The summer is here, and many players are now enjoying the “off-season.” This is the time of year where good players become great. This time of year separates the players who are serious about the game, and those who are not. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been asked “what should my player do this summer” – and I’m sure many other coaches out there hear it all the time. I wanted to share some quick thoughts on how to approach the off-season…
USA Hockey will vote on a rule change in June, which would move the legal age for body checking from U12 (Peewee) to U14 (Bantam). This rule change has spurred a lot of discussion among coaches debating on whether or not it is the right move.
The new year is a time commonly associated with new resolutions. A new year brings a fresh mental start. In the first HockeyShare Blog Post of 2011, I’d like to solicit interaction from the community and find out what your Hockey New Year Resolutions are!
John C. Maxwell is one of the most well-known authorities on leadership teachings. While surfing for videos, I came across a brief interview he did…
The vast majority of information on this site is geared toward the structured practice and implementation of hockey player development. For all the time we spend trying to “teach” the game to kids, we also need to understand the importance of allowing players to figure things out on their own.
Many coaches have expressed an interest in getting some quotes to use with their team. Anyone who knows me, knows I love to use inspirational / teambuilding quotes in the locker room. Here are some of my favorites: